Extremism and militancy in Manipur to protest the continued violence Hisanka activities due to the price of the last several decades have children are. It directly and indirectly from the bullets of poverty , illiteracy , malnutrition being pushed aside are. State without being stressful conditions often become so in control are , but school and health services such as basic structure Charmarac something that children and patients get off the streets here to protest the general point seems to be taken .
Indinoan we here in parts of Manipur situation are trying to understand. Three districts most affected by violence Cry much Chandel , Churachandpur Thoanbal and is working in.Cry by place here - the place kids have to make the security group , and confidence in multi-ethnic groups to wake up workshops are being held. After such a workshop to Cry limitless Ghosh are told that '' the children here fear , mystery , uncertainty and violence in the shadows constantly live , here is the environment it is not the right way some might think kids are , Nor say , or a verdict can. So the first level workshops in a safe place for children to try to make our lives. ''
Protect children from the effects of violence in Manipur for the Cry of the government and civic groups are demanding is constant. Indinoan the institution at the national level for the protection of children's rights such as the National Commission on Ministries and pressure is that in Manipur violence affected children's problems and prioritize needs. The major demands include that extra judicial powers equipped military to ensure that theviolence between shocks will not be targeted to children at any cost. Same with the provisions of the state Juvenile Justice Care and Protection Act in accordance with the provisions of the juvenile justice system will be implemented effectively. state officials to increase investment on public facilities and rights related services such as primary health services , children ie anti Retraoviarl the art therapy and school pressure to streamline the arrangements being made. In fact, the level of priority rights related services streamlineapproach needs to be placed over the military approach.
Related to terrorism in Manipur disastrous results due 1992-2006 to 4383 people have climbed Het. Jammu - Kashmir and Assam, Manipur after the country 's most violent conflicts of the area has become. Inter ethnic conflict and rebellion because of the 1950Government of India in the state, ie Cfspec Ssshaktr Forces Special Power Act applied.The Act on Special Forces attack the first time directly given power , which the security forces wide powers to effectively transform said. Here are the social services , that are waiting for its restoration , where schools and Aanaganbadiaan are not able to work correctly , while the few very health centers that are devoid of any means. During pregnancy medical system is famine. Birth registration is not becoming nor birth certificateis. Behtaa increasing number of orphans , child labor and trafficking Real Mandalisationare the wings , and children of dysfunctional families have become part of the current conflict are. Children play and safe place to meet publicly with each other long ago have lost your address.
NGOs estimated Manipur because of the violence prevalent in 5000 than women have been widowed , and 10000 to have more children orphaned. Alone from January to December 2009 will see the figures the Security hair by 305 people allegedly killed in an encounter of toppling the record. But non-state violent activity Bandwqui 139 people were killed to get the record. During the various armed acts 444 people were killed to get the record. The November 2009 total 3348 cases have been. Women 's view, the case of crimes against 2007 to 2009 total 635 cases have been made , including 24 murders and86 cases of rape. Child trafficking is the recent January 2007 and January 2009 based on reports published in newspapers by 198 child trafficking are victims of. Casts an eye on the statistics of child labor 2007 labor department , Manipur in the survey conducted by10 329 child workers were found. As far as the point of schooling , then in September2009 and January 2010 to 4 million children in schools not spot possible. And the public school system itself has failed in a way like here. 29.12.2010 |
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